
Yang Yang, LLB 1



I’m Yangyang, a freshie just trying to make it through the first year of law school! I love talking to people, all I do in law school is socialise and make new friends, giggle in the back of class and get every question I get asked by the professors wrong.

Why be a PSS?

Having struggled with my mental health before in a school setting, I had learnt the importance of having a support system from a young age. Coupled with my experience as a psychologist’s assistant in NS and a social work intern before starting university proper, I had a strong desire to advocate for mental wellbeing among students. Given the highly intense nature of law school, I wanted to contribute by acting as a confidante and being able to support my fellow peers who may not have found their crowd in law school yet whom they can turn to in tough times.

My Approach!

I aim to be as supportive as possible and really provide an avenue for my peers to voice their struggles and concerns. I would attempt to reach out at least once a week over text and meet up with a peer once every 2 to 3 weeks to ensure that they have the support and the listening ear they need to help them get through the difficult patches in their journeys.

Meet Up Capacity

Dependent on the complexity of the issue, max. 7 times (once every 2 weeks)

Peer Capacity