Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Peer Support Group (PSG)?
PSG is a group created by law students, for law students. Mental health concerns have pervaded law school for a long time, yet the appropriate help is hard to seek, or unknown to the student population. PSG aims to create a safe and secure space where peers who feel isolated or face mental health struggles are able to connect with the Peer Student Supporters (PSS) to voice their concerns.
Who are Peer Student Supporters (PSS)?
PSS are a group of student volunteers from NUS Law who are here to help their fellow law students with open arms! They are trained by the Health Promotion Board to equip themselves with the necessary knowledge and skills to support their peers effectively.
Our friendly PSS are willing to hear you out and provide the best support that they can. So, if you are in need of a listening ear and confidante, don’t hesitate to reach out to our reliable PSS!
What would a meeting with a PSS be like?
Each peer is assigned to a PSS of their choice. Meetings will be held one on one, with just you and your assigned PSS. These meetings need not be solely physical. You and your PSS may arrange to text or communicate in any other forms you are both comfortable with.
Will the meetings I have with a PSS be kept confidential?
Rest assured that our PSS have signed a confidentiality agreement that prohibits them from revealing any of your details and what went on during the meetings. If you suspect or know that your PSS breached his/her confidentiality, do report this to the PSG Co-directors at [email protected].
Will meetings with a PSS be documented on my student record?
No, meetings with your PSS will not be documented on your student record, or any other official documents or databases.
Will there be any video or voice recordings of my session with a PSS?
No, there will be no video or audio recordings of your session with your PSS. They are permitted to take notes, should you consent to them doing so. Rest assured, these notes will be kept private and confidential and will not be made available to anyone other than your PSS. No other PSS or the directors will have access to them.
Is there a set number of meetings I have to attend?
No, the number of meetings is flexible and dependent on the schedules of you and your PSS. It is fully up to the discretion of both of you. If you no longer require a PSS, you may inform us via our email at [email protected].
What are some avenues where I can seek professional help?
You may seek professional counselling at the University Counselling Service (UCS), either by calling, sending an email or walking-in (for urgent cases). You may contact them at 6516 2376, or by email at [email protected]. In the case of an emergency, you may call Lifeline NUS which operates 24/7 at 6516 7777 or Samaritans of Singapore which also operates 24/7 at 1800 221 4444.