
Wayne Lim, LLB 1



I like to banter and although I may come across as a little blunt at times, it’s just the way I like to interact with people! I’m quite chill and open with just about anything, but i’m very picky when it comes to the smaller things e.g. if my McDonald’s fries are cold I’m getting a refund

Why be a PSS?

There were times I felt like I needed someone to talk to, but the constant worry of burdening the people I love and cherish around me led to me keeping a lot of things to myself (I'm still working on it myself). Becoming a PSS gives me the opportunity to be of some help to others who just want to rant, need advice, or need a listening ear! :-)

My Approach!

Mutual respect, empowerment, active listening, and sharing experiences!

Meet Up Capacity

4 times per semester

Peer Capacity