
Ryan Ho, LLB 1



My friends like to describe me as the golden retriever of the group because apparently I am easy-going, good-natured and enjoyable to be around. Though I enjoy talking nonsense a lot, I'm a good listener and care about my peers around me.

Why be a PSS?

I feel this would be a great way to use my gifts of extroversion and interpersonal skills to contribute and give back to law school, especially since I find a lot of fulfilment in helping others and working with my peers whom I may or may not necessarily know well. I am aware that most of us may be struggling in law school such as the academic or social aspects, this opportunity would allow me to reach out to those who might not necessarily have a strong support system or are too shy/afraid to turn to their existing peers to confide in.

My Approach!

Collaborative, where I aim to work with my peers by listening to their existing problems without judgment and helping to identify their exact needs together and coming up and testing various possible solutions with them through constant communication and setting up an active support system for them.

Meet Up Capacity

4 times

Peer Capacity