
Navneeth, LLB 2



Hi, I'm Nav! I like to think that I'm approachable and kind (I try my best). Humour and food are my coping mechanisms, which just makes me a hungry clown, but who isn't right? If I'm not pretending to study, you'll probably find me at Block B lvl 4 playing tetris :)

Why be a PSS?

I feel like even with heightened awareness about mental health, people are still not sure about how to stay mentally healthy (even I am no expert!) and the barrier to going for therapy still exists. At the same time, I was lucky enough to have had support throughout my life, and I want to pay that forward. I felt that through being a PSS, I can learn and better provide support to those who might prefer to approach someone else.

My Approach!

I think it's very easy in today's context to end up comparing what others have with what you don't, and that makes us feel alone - my approach would be to help people feel less alone. I may not have the answers or solutions, but voicing and sharing the burden can at least help give enough clarity of mind so that you can better deal with it.

Meet Up Capacity


Peer Capacity